Saturday, November 1, 2008

Still Here...

Well... we are still at the hospital and have been since Tuesday. Timothy is still in isolation as his blood cultures came back postitive for bacteria in both lumens of his Hickman (access site for chemo) and yesterday they also did a repeat culture to make sure it wasn't just a contaminated specimen. This also showed postive. The good news is that although he has an infection in his blood, he has been on IV antibiotics since he got here so they started working right away. He hasn't had a fever since Tuesday which is also good. They told us that the earliest we can go home is Monday but who knows? They don't really tell you anything around here unless you drill them with questions. Sometimes it seems as if a lot of the meds are trial and error until they get the right one. I guess we just have to trust the docs and out our faith in God that the right treatment will be given and that it will be successful.

Yesterday Kate came down with Grandma to be in the costume parade. Lots of people come from the community and give out candy and crafts and all kinds of stuff. Kate was in her glory parading around as a bride, complete with high heels and all! Each kid got a stuffed animal, a costume if needed (donated by Disney!) and got to do some cool crafts after. It's pretty amazing how they treat the kids here. I took some cute pics but I can't upload them until I am home unfortunately. Kate and Tim also got to meet Elmo which thrilled them both to pieces. Speaking of thrilling... I went thru the car wash last night. That's right folks. This was quite the excitement for me on a Friday night. I don't get out much. Ken had a meeting Saturday morning and so he didn't come Friday. So I had an adrenaline rush with the touchless car wash and a great chick flick. Yep. Fun.

Anyways, I am really missing having a normal life. I miss my patients a great deal and can't wait until I can practice again. My dad is doing a great job filling in but I really miss everyone! Most of all, I miss not having our whole family together. That's probably the hardest part.

I hope I can see you all soon! Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

Becky said...

We are missing you too Shauna :)
We will pray that you may be able to come home soon!