Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is this this final round??

Today is Wednesday already and Timothy has already undergone his first day of hopefully the last round of chemo. He was in good spirits as we arrived, and has already had his first photo shoot as the new "poster-boy" for the Ronald McDonald house. That was pretty neat. They had a professional photographer come in took about 50 frames in the Ronald McDonald family room. It only took about 15 minutes which was good because Tim was pretty tired. You gotta wonder what he was thinking with this big camera pointed at him and the lady bocking like a chicken to make him smile. (I told her to bock as chickens are Tim's favourite!) Too cute.

So yesterday over three hours they pumped in Carboplatin, Etopiside and Doxrubicin. A nasty, potent cocktail of chemo drugs. It's pretty amazing that Timothy starts to get cranky within about 20 minutes of the drugs going in. Then the rest of the day he is restless, can't sleep and kinda grumpy. Poor little guy. He sure is a fighter though! This morning he was just like new again! All smiles to see me and feeling much better. He has a few hives and is kind of itchy, but they are going to keep an eye on it. Besides, he has one of his favourite "girlfriends" as his nurse today so of course that makes him feel better too...


Anonymous said...

They couldn't have choosen a better poster boy for the Ronald Mcdonald house, or a better family. Praying this is the last round of chemo.
Katie B

Becky said...

You are in our prayers this week Shauna, I pray hard and often that this is his last round.
He's such a trooper! Give him hugs and kisses from Aunt Becky! I would come and do it but I believe that I am fighting a cold right now.

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of prayers your way that this will be the last round you all have to go through.

Anonymous said...

I pray all will be great after all the tests. Thank you for sharing with us Shauna. Timothy is precious. Pleases know you and your family are warmly in my thoughts.