Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tubby Time!

We had lots of fun today with grandma Vera having a "faux" bath, since Tim cannot be officially dunked due to the tube in his chest. So this was our splash/sponge bath. As you can see, it was very exciting! Tim's hair started falling out today which was very sad for me as my favourite spot to kiss is his warm head. It's weird to know that we may wake up and have a bald baby in the morning with hair all over his bed...

We had a nice time visiting our new house and putting up a swing! Grandpa Henk made it today out of a 2 x 6 and some really thick rope. Thanks Grandpa! Grandpa Alex hadn't seen the house since the framing and was quite excited to see the progress. My favourite part of the whole house is the fireplace and the cool trim but Kate's is clearly her pink room with the high ceiling.

Tomorrow it's back to the hospital. Blahhhhh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you guys have been able to spend some time at home as a family. Praying that this round of chemo goes well and doesn't take too hard a tole on Timothy's body. We're praying for you all.