Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well, I'm finally able to update again. Sorry that it has taken so long!
On Thursday we got a message saying that Tim had a CT scan, and it came back clear. He also had a bone scan which also came back clear. The preliminary tests are showing cancer, so Tim will have to have chemotherapy. On Thursday Tim had surgery to get a central line put in for his chemo. The type of cancer that he has is neuroblastoma.
Over the weekend they got a day pass for Tim and took him home so that they could spend the day with Kate. He was being pretty happy over the weekend.
I spoke to Shauna this morning. and she said that yesterday was a really frustrating day for them. They are waiting for another test before they can start the chemotherapy, and this test requires isotopes. I guess the hospital forgot to order them, so they have to wait, and chemotherapy had to be postponed a week, or else he would have started yesterday. Without this test there is still no final diagnosis as to which stage the cancer is. Shauna has noticed that Tim is starting to get a little unstable sitting again, so they may have to start chemo before this test if it gets any worse. If this final test comes back clear, then Tim may only have to have 2 rounds of chemo. But that is the best case scenario. He could have to have 4 - 12 rounds and possibly more surgery. They will know better after this test.
Today Tim will go for an Audiology test. This will serve as a baseline test to monitor him throughout his treatment. He had a cardiology test already.
This week Ken and Shauna took Tim to frosh week at MAC, they had a good laugh over people dressed up and racing beds.....she said that it was a good break for them.
Shauna is also very thankful for the Ronald Macdonald house. She says that they are very well taken care of there. Different families and restaurant provide yummy suppers there for them every week night.

Please continue to pray for them!

Shauna put in a few special requests today:
- to be with them on this rollarcoaster ride. There are a lot of ups and downs, and the down days are especially hard on them. She says they feel like they are living someone else's life. Others that they have met at the Ronald MacDonald house have told them that this will be their new normal for a while.
- please pray that a good associate may be found quickly to cover Shauna's chiropractic practice, as this is a huge burden for her to worry about her patients and who is caring for them.

Ken and Shauna are thankful for all the prayers and support that they are getting! If Shauna gets home in the next few days (she's only been home once in the last 2 weeks) she hopes to send me some pictures and videos of Tim to post.

1 comment:

Carolyn Wing said...

I am adding Tim to my already too long list of neuroblastoma children. Hugs and prayers. Carolyn Wing grandma to Laura Stage IV neuroblastoma page name LauraVDB