Thursday, May 21, 2009

On The Move

Well here he is folks! On the move, Tim is walking almost full time now! How cool is that? Considering that at the time of diagnosis the doctors said Tim may never even move his legs, this is a real answer to prayer!

While there is defintite excitement, there is also a whole new world opened up to him, including his new favourite activity, opening drawers and getting into all kinds of STUFF! Yesterday he discovered the bum cream... that was fun. And let me tell you... that stuff does NOT wash off! Fun fun. I decided not to take a picture as to not encourage him. I knew he needed to get in trouble and I had to try so hard not to laugh! What a guy.

Kate is busy being all grown up and getting ready for her birthday party. She had a cool find yesterday when she found a "bird's eye" view of a bird's nest with 4 perfect blue eggs right out her window! Pictures to follow!

Since my last blog, Tim has had a check up, a CT scan, a spine x-ray and blood work. We STILL have not heard from MRI which really testing our patience. How does that saying go? "God, grant me patience and I want it RIGHT NOW!!" The hospital system does not make any sense to us and they say that all the parents have the same frustration of not being able to be put out just ONCE, so the child can have the MRI and the CT on the same day. This would be so much easier as the child would only have the risks of being put under ONCE and would only have to fast once. Ever have to make a baby fast? Not fun! How can you explain that to them?! It's pretty brutal. SO you basically do your best to distract them and pray lots! We haven't got any updates from these tests as we were going to wait to have the MRI done. I suppose we will just call and find out. I am assuming there was nothing pressing from the tests we did have done or they would have called us. I will let you know of any news. Take care!


Anonymous said...

WOW, what a blessing....He looks great.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful to see Timothy walking, Shauna. Ah, diaper cream. Zach was obsessed with the garbage can, plunger and toilet scrubber - and boys seem very motivated to keep at it! Glad to hear things are going well. Janet Falk