Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What a week it has been so far... and it is only Wednesday! Monday we had clinic in the morning which showed that Tim's counts were good enough to begin round three of chemo. Then we drove back home, dropped Timothy at Grandma Jessie's house (Kate went to Grandma Vera's on Sunday night.) She said good-bye to her room and the house before she left and she didn't seem to care at all that she would never be back. I suppose it may not register in her little mind entirely but she does know a lot more than we think. Anyways, after I dropped Tim off I went to check on the house to see if they needed me to direct packing stuff. They seemed to have that under control so I headed to the new house to label my kitchen cabinets with little post-it notes so that the movers would know where I wanted stuff and so that I would have at least some knowledge of where things were when I returned. It was a very emotional day as I felt displaced, homeless and un-needed.

We ate supper at Ken's parents and then I headed out to check in to the hospital and Ken went back to the house to install towel bars. He is trying to run his business, move, finish all the unfinished stuff, disassemble his computer network, pack the office, babysit about 50 trades, reassemble the network and get it all running again to make sure payroll can be done by today. What a guy! He has such stamina, I don't know how he does it. But last night he called me from our new bathtub at 11:00pm while sipping on some Bailey's to celebrate, and it looks like it is all coming together at last! Horray Ken!

Anyways, Tim was a different person once they started the drugs. He became quite aggressive, couldn't sleep and was looking pretty doped up by the end of the day. Kate and Gramma came to visit and it was nice to spend an hour playing with Kate while Gramma visited Timothy.'s another day. Hopefully he won't be feeling so yucky and will be able to sleep. Please pray for patience for us all.


Anonymous said...

Still keeping you in our prayers. I wonder how Timothy will react to the new house? Our grandson is almost 7 months and my daughter was telling me that when he was taking a nap, she rearranged the living room and when he woke up he just stared and stared and looked all around with a baffled look on his face.
We have not started on our new home yet. We are STILL waiting on the building permit. The developement permit only went through about a month ago. I guess we will have to postpone construction until spring.
Well, you guys hang in there!
Love from Otto and Kristin

Anonymous said...

I went to see your house a couple weeks before it was finished - it's beautiful! Hope you've settled in and are feeling at home. We continue to pray for all you guys often.