Friday, January 2, 2009

A John Deere Christmas

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all! I trust you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to a great year in 2009. We had a great holiday here in St. George as we all got to be home together as a family. Tim gave me the best present ever as he learned to crawl right on Christmas day! That was such a special moment since we didn't even know if he would ever be able to because of the possible damage done to his nerves during surgery. Tim has also been attempting to stand in the middle of a room, holding himself up on furniture, and taking steps when you hold his hands. These new accomplishments show a promising future for a normal development for Timothy.
Christmas morning was especially exciting this year as Kate is at the age to really get into it. She was thrilled to see that Santa had eaten his cookies and milk and that Rudolph had eaten his carrots. Santa really spoiled the kids this year as we had a lot to celebrate. Highlights included a new ride-on John Deere tractor from Gramma and Grandpa Dougley, as well as little mini ones from daddy! We had my mom's side of the family over on the 25th for turkey dinner and got to use our cool new table that Ken and I made as a neat project. Aunt Nellie also joined us this year which was a special treat! After dessert we couldn't help but burst into a good old fashioned Russian hymn-sing. Good times. The next day we went to Laura's house for Ken's family Christmas. (now a group of 31!)
In terms of medical news, there isn't any yet. I keep calling the hospital and no one calls back. We are still waiting to see what the director of the clinical study wants to do. The doctor wants to just observe now but had to make sure that was okay with the guy in California. So in the mean time, I am planning to return to work next week. I don't know how I am supposed to make any plans without knowing anything! Anyways, you can continue to pray for Tim's future health and treatment (if any!) and for Ken and I as we go in front of the church this Sunday for an interview with pastor Steve. Please pray for no tears and that we will be able to minister to the congregation thru sharing our story.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I won't get to see you both on sunday. I will praying for all of you.

Katie B

Anonymous said...

I hope it went well today. I would have loved to have been there and heard you guys - I'm hoping they recorded it with the sermon.

Praying for you all.