Well, today is Tuesday, and it is also when Timothy would normally being recieving chemo right now, had he not been FINSHED IT!! Horray! He has been extra cranky and not sleeping well the last three days, which is usual for day 19-21 of his chemo cycle. But since today is a new day with no chemo... I have been noticing that he seems to be himself again! Hopefully he continues to strengthen up, get lots of sleep and have his spirits lifted during the next few days as he prepares for surgery.
The doctor says they may have to go in from the front and the back in order to get out as much of the tumour as they can. This could be a nasty surgery especially in terms of recovering. I am wondering how I will be able to hold him and change his diaper and such with two wounds. I am praying that we will be able to be out of the hospital and home before Christmas. To all my Prayer Warriors... keep praying!! And thank you so much! It's pretty cool to see how God has been looking out for Timothy. How he has only needed blood once, how he has had only one extra admission to the hospital, and how he has only had a fever ONE day! (Just so you know... this is pretty much unheard of. Most kids are admitted many times and receive blood transfusions regularly. Many also end up needing gastric tubes because they cannot eat anything.) That's clearly the hand of God at work in my little man's life. Uh-oh... just started crying. And it had even been two whole days tear-free! I suppose I just get so emotionally overwhelmed when I think that the One who created the whole world cares so much for my little Timothy and for each and every one of us. How awesome and incredible is that?! We can all rest assured knowing that "His eye is on the Sparrow"...
"AMEN" to that Shauna. We are still praying and thinking of you regularly.
Love and Hugs,
Funny how I started to cry before you said you were.
We will continue to pray for strength for Tim in the next week before surgery, and that he will recover very fast! Thanks be to God for all he has done for Tim and for you guys.
Miss you!
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